Monday, October 4, 2010

I am now on day 39 of Chalean Extreme.  I missed yesterday's workout, so since today is my rest day, I am doing yesterday's workout instead.  The second phase of Chalean Extreme is called the Push phase.  Smaller reps (6-8) instead of the 12 reps from phase 1, the Burn Phase.  Even though the reps are lower, the weight is heavier!  As I sit here typing this, my triceps and biceps feel like they are going to split in half!  I'm still feeling the burn - BUT I LOVE IT!!!  

I always forget how good I feel after I work out.  It is too easy to skip a workout because of not feeling like doing it.  But WOW, what an awesome way to wake up and face the day!  I have more energy!  I'm more alert!  I have more determination! 

I have a very looooooong way to go until I meet my goal of losing 70 lbs, but I just need to keep plugging away and keep my determination up!  I have a bad habit of getting into my own way and sabotaging my own success.  That's one thing I love about Beachbody, as long as you are HONEST  with people (buddies, your coach, your message board forums, etc), there is support and encouragement waiting for you!  I have found that even when I am down in the dumps and eating wrong and maybe not working out, if I can help to encourage someone else that is going through the same thing that I am, I find that my mood lifts and I get back on track.  

If you are looking for support, encouragement and/or workout buddies, join me by becoming either a Club member or a Beachbody Coach.  Take a look around my site and feel free to ask me any questions!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Feeling Great!

I am proud of myself, and I'm not saying that lightly.  I hate to say it but I tend to give up on things.  Regularly.  Fitness and eating right is right there at the top of the things that I never took seriously enough to stay committed to. 

The last few days I have not skipped a workout and I have not eaten McDonalds, BK, etc.  I did, though, have a Coke, but it was not finished.  I figure I can't give everything up at once, but I am really limiting my soft drink exposure.  I have committed to no longer buying it and keeping it in the house.   I have been replacing my Coke cravings with either ice cold water or Crystal Light.

Today I ran a mile on the treadmill, did Chalean Extreme's Burn It Up and Recharge.  Physically, I'm feeling really good!  But, as I type this I have a migraine trying to set in (wonder if it has anything to do with Band of Brother's that my son is watching.  All I hear is yelling and gunshots... non stop.... can't wait to get my laptop fixed so I can hide in my bedroom!).

I have been off of work for two weeks now.  I have loved every minute of it, being able to get my kids ready and off to school and be there to get them off the bus.  The only stress regarding my current situation is the financial aspect.  I am no longer working, so I am relying on the child support to get by from day to day.  It is a struggle, especially when my older kids think they need to go all over town, have spending money and eat everything the day I buy it.  I know there is going to be a learning curve for all of us.  I start my classes on October 4th, so I'm sure I'll feel better about not working (I stopped working to go to school full time).  I just need to stay true to myself and to my family and remember my priorities and NOT get sucked into the feeling of inadequacy of not being good enough to support my family.  Being unemployed is just temporary and I will soon have my degree in Business Management. 

My birthday is coming up in a few weeks and I'll be 35.  This really made me sit back and think about my life.  Where I've been, where I am and where I'm going.  I had to face some ugly truths about myself.

Where I have been:
I realized that I have always put my own happiness in the hands of others.  Married @ 19 with a baby.  Divorced @ 22 with 2 kids.  Married again @ 26, moved out of state with my two kids and created a new life with my new husband.  Divorced @32.  3 kids later, 5 kids total - unhappy.  I was never one, from high school onward, to be too long without a boyfriend.  I always thought that being in a relationship would bring me the happiness I didn't realize I was "searching" for.

Where I am:
In all of my unhappiness over the last several years, I have found myself very overweight.  I never saw myself being 34, divorced x2, raising 5 kids alone on a limited income, no college degree and living in a dump of a duplex hundreds of miles away from my "lifeline"... friends and family.    Yes, I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself and don't like my situation.  I have not been in a relationship since my divorce in 2008.  Now is the time for me to get my dreams realized!  Time for serious soul searching!  I am going back to school full time so I can get my degree that much sooner.  I am doing something to lose this weight and get healthy.  I know that a man can not be the reason for my happiness.  I have to love me before I can love anyone else and before anyone else can love me.

In addition to just losing weight, I am turning that into my business of helping others lose weight and get fit.  I owe this to Beachbody.  This is going to be my chance to turn my life around, in all aspects, and get it on the track I want it to be on, instead of being a victim of "the wrong path".

By the time I'm 40 (that really sounds scary to me now!) I am going to have a college degree.  I will be the most fit I have ever been.  I am going to have a successful Beachbody business and I am going to be working MY OWN NON PROFIT!  Who knows, maybe I'll incorporate Beachbody into that business! :)

Here's to bigger and better things my friends!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Accountability Time

Ok, time for me to be accountable. I have not been doing well with my nutrition. My last week or two of work I ate out almost daily for lunch. And breakfast. And typically dinner too. I have gained weight, even though I have been working out. I am starting new with my tracking. New "before" pictures taken. I even took a picture of me on my scale!   I did take my measurements.  I don't know how accurate they are, but it is at least a start. 

It is time for me to FULLY practice what I preach!

I am going to continue working with ChaLEAN Extreme.  I took some time off because my house had the tummy flu, but I am in full swing now. 

New pictures will be posted once I can find the connection cord for my camera.  For some reason I can't get them off my camera with the share button! (darn thing). 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 11 of ChaLEAN Extreme

Today is Burn Intervals and Ab Burner, but I am really having a tough time today completing these today.  I missed a bunch of the Burn Intervals and didn't even attempt the Ab Burner.  I noticed that when I started to get out of breath I got light headed and sick to my tummy, so I only did what I could.  During some of the weight lifting it helped if I sat down to get through them.  I do plan on attempting more later today.

I am off to make myself some breakfast now.  My kids are trying to talk me into taking them to Denny's for breakfast.  I know that I don't have the willpower to stay away from the greasy food and order something healthy.  I stuck to my guns and said no!  I am going to make myself a yummy Chocolate Shakeology shake instead.  Lord knows I need it after the pizza rolls I ate last night and the pizza the night before.

Speaking of food.....

I think that I would be able to complete the workouts better and lose weight faster if I could get my  eating habits under control.  I get too lazy a lot of times to actually make dinner (lunch/breakfast) and end up ordering delivery or hitting a drive thru.  I know that this is something that I need to work on, but during times of high stress all of my rational thinking goes out the window!  I also need to stop drinking my calories.  If I could stop drinking Coke I bet I would lose 10 immediately!

Now that I am not working I am hoping that I will really be able to do some serious soul searching, figure out my priorities and really make things start to happen for me.    One thing I know about me is that I give up way too easily if/when things start to get hard.  I just recently realized this, and that day was quite emotional for me, knowing that I'm a quitter.  Not just with working out and eating right, but with other aspects of my life as well.

My eyes are opening wide and I plan on doing what I need to do to make me back into the person I used to be and want to be again!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 6 of ChaLEAN Extreme

I survived almost a FULL WEEK of ChaLEAN Extreme!  Despite my excitement and determination to get fit, every time I started this program I would stop after day 3 or 4.  Then I'd start back up at day 1 and go through that process a few more times.  I gotta say, it feels great to truly be 100% comitted to my health now.  Tomorrow is a rest day, so that means no dvd for me.  I am still going to do a form of cardio tomorrow, whether it is going for a walk, jog or a Yoga Booty Ballet dvd.

There were two programs in today's session.  Burn It Off and Recharge.  Burn It Off was tough.  TONS of cardio and included pylometrics (which at this point I am awful at!!).  It was brutal but I did it.  I did have to go at my own pace, which was very rarely at the pace of Chalene or her crew, but it is a starting point.  For the next three weeks I will be doing the same routine and it will be nice to see how/if things change for me.   I am not sure what all is involved with Yoga, but I'm pretty sure that Recharge is along the same lines of exercise.  It was nice... no weights, no cardio, just breathing and stretching.  I really think that this would be a great video to do every morning when I wake up. 

I noticed that on the same dvd as Burn It Off and Recharge, there is a bonus workout - Fat Blaster Workout.  I didn't do it, but I watched it and it is a portion of the Turbo Jam fitness.  It is high intensity cardio and looks like a lot of fun. 

Here's to tomorrow....... !

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Success story that touched me

As I struggle with being a single parent, this success story touched me and gave me the sense that I can acheieve my goal!  Albeit, this BB Coach is married, it speaks to the fact of financial struggles.

Success story of Anne Dovel

I became a Team Beachbody Coach!

I was browsing through a Work at Home Mom message board and I saw a post from someone stating that you can get paid to lose weight.  I figured, what better motivator is there to lose weight than to get paid for it?!  I did lose about 10 lbs by drinking Shakeology (see link on the side of blog) and by working out every day to ChaLEAN Extreme.  But, in typical Mistie fashion, I stopped working out (many excuses in the book.  Too tired, not enough time, too hot and I don't have air conditioning, not enough time to make dinner and lots of eating out.  Well, I gained back my 10 pounds PLUS 6 more. 

Today I am turning over a new leaf.  I have one more week of working at my j-o-b and then I am home full time so I can go to school and work my Beachbody (and BeautiControl too!) businesses.  There will be absolutely NO EXCUSE for me to not work out and eat better.  I am fully committed to this.  Since I'm not going to be working, I need to be a product of the product in order to really be successful  in this business.

What I love about this opportunity is that you don't have to be a size 0, a fitness buff, nutritionist or a personal trainer to be successful.  There are people of all walks of life, occupations and sizes that are very successful.  If they can do it, why can't I??? 

Let me know if there is anything that you would like to know about Beachbody!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I'm not sure if I'm meant to be a blogger......

I have great intentions of documenting my day, to hold myself accountable to my lifelong journey to better health and weight loss.  HOWEVER, I never seem to remember or I "run out of time".  I have come to the conclusion that there are many changes that I need to make in order to make my life less stressful and more at ease, peaceful, successful, enjoyable, etc.....

  • I need to get my priorities figured out and in order.
  • Need to stop spending money foolishly
  • Need to get on a budget (that might be in line with bullet #2) and follow it
  • Need to delegate chores
  • Need to remember, and fully, FOLLOW THROUGH on things I tell my children
  • Drive thrus and pizza delivery need to STOP!!! (again, see #2)
  • Start showing my children that it can be fun to eat right and exercise (which I've started doing... more on that later).
  • Stop being so hard on myself for everything that I feel is a "failure"
  • Pray more.  I seem to have put God on the back-burner
That is a start.  I'm sure that there is more that should be on there, but I'll leave it as it is.

With that all being said, tonight I went to do my Slim in 6 "Ramp It Up" video and my three little ones (ages 7 and 5 y/o twins) said they wanted to do it with me.  So we all got dressed to work out, got our water and headed downstairs to start working out.  Before the video even started Nick (my boy twin) was sitting in the chair because he was "too tired".  Ali (my 7 year old) was eager to start and Amelia (my girl twin) was standing there, kinda doing her own thing.  Once we started it was so funny to see the girls.  Their arms were being thrown all over the place and they looked like monkeys.  Amelia gave up after a while and decided to go play with toys but Ali kept going with me.  We gave up after about 25 minutes because that is all that I could handle, but it was a lot of fun.  Not only was I able to burn off some of my frustration, take a step towards my fitness goal and hang out with my kids, but they are now asking me about what they can do to stay healthy and get this... prevent a heart attack! (they heard about it in a movie, I never brought it up to them).

Tomorrow I am going to skip my morning ritual of breakfast at McDonalds and drink my Shakeology shake and get on the right path for nutrition.  Hopefully I will have enough energy in the morning to work out before going into work!!

More to come....

Monday, May 31, 2010

Start it Up

This morning I woke up and completed the Slim in 6 "Start It Up" program.  It was  25 minutes of sheer pain!! lol  I did have to modify a few moves, but day 1 is complete.  Fresh fruit for breakfast next.

Today is going to be a busy day of cleaning and laundry (so many trips up and down the stairs).  I just wish I had central air or an air conditioner because it would make working out at home a little easier. 

Start of Slim in 6 program:
Weight= 198.6
Energy= None

Long term Goal:
Weight = 135
Energy = LOTS!!